Failed in the PMP Exam on Sep 22

Received the Exam Result from PMI that I failed in the PMP Certification Exam in Sep 22. I still have two chances to take & pass the exam before June 2008. It's really a bad news.

Whether I need take the training courses to prepare for the exam? Hope I can find more times to read the PMI Books and do more exercises before the next time exam.

According to the suggestions from some experienced trainers, it seems I need at least 250-400 hours to read the PMI BOOK and do enough exercises. I decide to read through the BOOK again in the folloing month (Dec), then, decide on whether to take a PMP exam training in Jan.

It really a bad news that I need retest for the exam. It seems I still have a long way to go before getting that certification, although I have worked as a project leader for 3-5 years. Experience is one thing, to pass the exam is anohter. 

God help me!  

qch7056 发表于 2007/12/5 11:20:00 阅读全文 | 回复(2) | 引用通告 | 编辑 | 收藏该日志
Re:Failed in the PMP Exam on Sep 22

Nice to meet you too. I will take chance to access u by MSN, my MSN account is: qch7056@hotmail.com, qch7056 is my mail account in Mot.


qch7056发表评论于2007/12/6 9:37:00 个人主页 | 引用 | 返回 | 删除 | 回复
Re:Failed in the PMP Exam on Sep 22
I failed in this exam too, I am very sad. could I know you to prepare next exam together. I am Tony, MSN: tyy5800@hotmail.com, nice to meet you.
tangyuanyi发表评论于2007/12/5 18:58:00 个人主页 | 引用 | 返回 | 删除 | 回复


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